Law is complicated stuff.
It can cause you a big problem if you ignore it.
– 2004, We started
The law firm began responding to the need of clients to obtain tailor made legal and business advice (Tailor Made). Our objective has always been, since our origins, to provide an exclusive boutique service, seeking to provide an integral and efficient advice, shielding their legal and business processes.
– 2010, We grow
Thanks to the work developed, in 2010 we expanded, also advising foreign firms and investment funds.
Restrepo Cañavera S.A.S. will never lose its philosophy of Boutique firm and exclusivity with its clients. That is our hallmark and what distinguishes us in the market.
– 2017, We Continue Growing
Our growth continues to face the new challenges of the country and the opportunities that Colombia represents for national and foreign investors. Incorporating in our portfolio of services political consulting, public affairs, strategic communication and litigation.
– 2021, Onward and Upward
Despite the global situation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, we continue with our business and legal advisory work, including negotiation management and portfolio recovery.