Restrepo Cañavera represents clients in a broad range of negotiations in both national and international contexts.
Business Advice
Starting a business in a new country often involves a difficult learning curve for any business.
Legal Review
The dynamic economic environments in which the entities operate give rise to innumerable transactions each with its particularities and specific complexities.
Tax Law, Exchange Market and Customs
One thing you can be sure of all over the world is that dealing with tax laws in each country is both complicated and unavoidable.
Accounting and Human Resources
When starting a business abroad you surely want to apply the same high standards to the local administration that you have in the rest of your company..
Political Consulting and Public Affairs
Restrepo Cañavera works in partnership with “E-Estrategica” in political consulting, strategic communication and strategic business consultancy.
Financing and Structuring
We offer solutions compatible with tax planning and profitability, which provide investor protection, capital efficiency and administrative…
Communications, Public Relations and Marketing
We identify the challenges and opportunities of your project in the market so that we can create unified communication and public relations strategies…
International Business
The current world conditions together with the important changes that are happening in Colombia such as the internationalization of its economy….
Migration/Pension in Spain
Due to the opportunities that have arisen, due to the large number of Colombian nationals who have obtained Spanish nationality…